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Saturday, 7 January 2012

The North Wind Doth Blow...and we shall have snow...

It has been a wild and windy week here. It has lashed with rain, and blown part of the fence down, and generally upset my equilibrium!! I don't like the wind, my least favourite weather. But, we managed to escape on the walk last Monday....Hooray. Off we went up into the Dales, it was a lovely sunny day back at home, washing hung out etc.... as we approached Skipton,we could see the SNOW on the highest of the peaks. Ooooh, we thought we might be in for trouble. But no, it was thoroughly enjoyable. Nice to be blasted with some cold air, and quite lovely to see the snow capped tops. We did end up in a little bit of snow, and I managed to land a snowball on the husbands head...he wasn't expecting that, Ha. I was just glad to be out, I've been beavering away in my work room, and to escape for the day was lovely. You can see on the photo (top) the leetle bunny paw prints next to mine, cute. We walked about 5and half miles, it was quite muddy in the bottom of the dales, the water at Linton falls was gushing and spectacular. The best bit was in the tearoom at Hebdon of course, in the little old schoolhouse, they have just the best food. It was so busy. They are closed for the next 3 weeks, but we must get back there when they open again....Yum :)

I have been very busy workwise, normally things are quiet at the start of the year, but it has gone crazy, 4 briefs to work on and more work on the NEW project, I'm still not definite about the new thing, but hopefully will know soon??? No new artwork to show as yet. But here's one I did earlier, as they say. I have put this into the 'vintage' title on the 'Being Creative' project with Julia Crossland. Hope you like it?? I'm particularly proud of the highlighty bits! It's stuck in my folder, not been bought by anyone, so I may put it in a frame on the wall?? Bit of a strange subject, but I like it, the teaset belonged to my Mum, no longer with us, a little bit of posh in our lives it was! See you again soon folks. X


  1. Tea; with proper cups and a pot? That is my idea of a very good subject. It evokes holiday memories when we have time to brew a decent cup and drink the pot load. I actually think the highlights on the china show well against the delicate lace. Ooooh, with all those snowy pictures and this I think I'll put the kettle on.

  2. I think the teapot and teacups painting is lovely! I can imagine it doing well on Etsy if you ever go there. :) The lace is very nice and must have taken a lot of patience.

  3. Thank-you for the lovely comments, always nice to drink tea from a china cup isn't it, even if it's a mug. I must try and get an Etsy shop going this year, I would sell prints? But that means an expensive printer??...I did use masking fluid quite a bit on this if I remember rightly, I think that's how the highlights turned out well.

  4. Hi Julie! glad you did not get taken away by the wind!
    this painting is gorgeous, it’s sunny and happy, and makes want to drop in to have a cup of tea!! and i agree with Kathleen, the lace looks incredible.
    xo sandra
    (and yes Julie, I absolutely dream of illustrating stories and books)

  5. How lovely you found a moment to get some fresh air and a little leg stretch! Wind is MY most dislike bit of weather as well! Don't like it in my ears... it blows stuff around... and you can't hear things properly!
    Has the husband gotten over being bonked with a snow ball? Did he retaliate? :))))
    A tearoom? How delightful... I wouldn't know where to find one here. Perhaps if i need a proper cup i'll have to travel back across the seas! :))))
    I wonder the same thing about needing a special printer and inks to compete in the "prints" market?? I have bought some small things from a local artist and they mention certain inks and are printed on what looks like watercolor paper?
    So many questions... :))))

  6. Hi Melody, the wind messes with my head, I've got myself a hat with ear flaps, it's great protection, but I look daft:)
    That tearoom is one of the best!
    I've been looking at printers....too many pennies...they can print on watercolour paper, I suppose you have to speculate to accumulate?? If you look at prints on Etsy it sometimes says what printer they use.


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