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Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Like the sun coming out.


Spring sunbathing
We have experienced some lovely sunny days recently. I took some photos of sunny activities going on in the garden. I've missed most of this however, I've been very busy working on the book. I'm almost there I think?? It's been very tight time wise, so I've been working all hours to try and get finished.

 You know that saying 'work your fingers to the bone' well it's almost come true working on these large pastel artwork. I have worn the prints off the tips of my fingers, they are very red and tender. I have to blend with my finger tips, they are the best tools for the job I find! These artworks are seriously large, like A2?? All new for me, I'm used to working A4 or slightly larger. Almost there now though, I have some 'tweaks' to do, or so they call them, then they will be parcelled up and sent to the publisher.

The bottom photo shows the view from my workroom window, my little bear soaking up the was so lovely out there!!

I'm hoping to be back blogging before too long, with some new cards and artwork to display. See you all again soon! :)


  1. What lovely fat ladybugs! And your dog looks very content in the sunshine. Good luck with the final stages of your book. Exciting (even if hard on the fingers)!

  2. It seems most animal love to sit in the warm sun, and dogs do it so well; the epitome of being relaxed and happy.

    I am sorry to hear about your poor fingers. I hope you are being paid well for all your suffering. If not, you can always step on the other side of the law - how will they catch you with no prints? :)

  3. Hi kathleen, lots and lots of ladybirds about. My dog likes a sit in the sun, but he gets quite hot quickly :)
    Bella, that is funny, this book illustration is a big learning curve in all respects. I may yet turn to a life of crime, they'll never catch me now :D

  4. Julie! look at your fingers!! i am looking forward to seing the work you have created; it must be amazing. i have never tried pastels, wonder if it’s a hard medium to use...
    hope you get a chance to step out a bit in sun :)
    x sandra

  5. You know what you get when you work your fingers to the bone?
    Boney Fingers! :) ha ha !! (was that a song?)
    I enjoyed the little peak of "bear" under your well worn fingers tips!!
    I think spring is on the way for sure now!!
    Best wishes for the project!! :)

  6. Hi Sandra, pastels are lovely and blendable, use the very soft ones, or I'm told that in photoshop you can create a good representation of the medium. Not got there yet, I think you could?
    Hi Mel, thanks for the good wishes, it's very spring like here, I'm quite liking it!!!!

  7. i like the ladybugs and the dog picture. :)


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