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Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Lino cut course

Pamela Dodds our tutor.
Working away
 Hello there, a couple of weeks back, I enrolled for a lino cut course at our Art House centre.  We had a lovely instructor, who came from Toronto. Pamela Dodds was very informative and easy going, we could ask as many questions as we liked and the group as a whole were very creative. I am always amazed at how creative people can be in these classes. The work produced was to a very good standard. I enjoyed it very much, I love the varying textures that can be produced using this method. I'm hoping to incorporate this process in some work I'm doing. We only had 3 hours total, I tend to panic after an hour, and everyone seemed to be at printing stage by then aaaagggghhhh. I was still cutting away at the lino, this was partly due to the fact that I'd forgot my specs, and couldn't see what I was cutting really. I will show you some more photies of our class, it was a fantastic £5 well spent!! I love learning new techniques. See you again soon.
My sketch and lino block

Initial prints

Talented pieces of work

Pamelas work process samples

Showing the process of adding colour

We've had so much rain yet again, but with the rain come the beautiful double rainbows :) This was taken from my front door looking across the street.


  1. Looks like a fun class ~ although I'd probably panic too! I have enjoyed my attempts at stamp carving. It is harder than it looks, trying to get that deceivingly sharp little tool to go around corners nicely! Really neat how the colors get layered on! Thanks for sharing! :)))))

  2. First, what a gorgeous rainbow!

    Your description of the class reminds me of the stamp carving course I took with Geninne last summer. Same thing--people down the table were already stamping their works of art when I was still carving! I took a lino cut course many, many years ago and I found it difficult organizing the negative and positive space. It's a different process from painting. But the results can be so beautiful. Your fox (right?) looks great. P.S. I am blind without my reading glasses now.

  3. Hi Mel, your right about the tools, and when they're not so sharp and the lino is tough, the darn thing goes off at a tangent, grrr. But it was fun.
    Thanks Kathleen, it was a stunning rainbow and I thought of you. I totally understand the pos neg thing, still having trouble with it, and so were many in the class, we had a laugh about it, the brain doesn't always get it! :)

  4. What fun, but I know what you mean about rising panic when seeing others speed ahead. Sometimes it is best to take time as those who do often end up with the better work; tortoise and hare style.

  5. Oh i am so glad i get to see this noe; i came by to read this post while i was travelling in Peru and somehow the pictures would not open up. so here i am back. ANd i want those rainbows in a jar so i can paint the world pretty...


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