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Monday, 6 June 2011

Away Days

Hello there blog followers. I have been away, just for a couple of days, down to Shrewsbury, to visit some friends there. They made us very welcome in their beautiful home, and made us a superb meal on the Tuesday evening. They actually live just inside the Welsh border, and have some gorgeous views, with nothing but fields and sheep surrounding them. The house is so lovely, very peaceful, with roses round the door, just glorious.

Just to keep things Arty and because Jon has such talented artists in his family, I took some photos of the art on their walls. Jons Mum painted the beautiful floral.

Jons brother painted the 2 seaside views, from photos of the family on holiday at their home in Florida. I realy like the light in these 2. Hope you like them too.

We had a very enjoyable time, toured Shrewbury, which is beautiful, quite like york I thought, possibly a bit smaller. With lots of side streets and gorgeous little shops. So thank-you Lindsey if you read this ! X

1 comment:

  1. What lovely paintings, and beautiful roses ~ too bad computers don't have "scent" option to them!
    Nothing around but sheep sounds pretty good some days... :))))))


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